The primary objective of most Professional Training Programs is the development of participants in preparation for future key positions within an organization. Coaching and mentoring by existing leaders and experts should also be a fundamental element of any program.

If you’re planning a comprehensive professional training program for your Department, Agency or Division, here are some important things to keep in mind. Effective professional training is…

  • Directly focused on helping to achieve employee learning goals and supporting employee learning needs.
  • A collaborative endeavor – Supervisors and employees work together in planning and implementation.
  • Department, Agency, Division-based and job-embedded.
  • A long-term commitment.
  • Differentiated.
  • Tied to the Department or Agencies goals.

The content of professional training programs is based on organizational needs. Research and best practices show that for continuous improvement, organizations should focus on the link between organizational leadership, key practices, course curriculum development and understanding the learning process.

Professional Training Programs and Resource Links

Sample Professional Development Action Plan Template (MS Word)

Project Management Certification Catalog (PDF)

Leadership Development Catalog (PDF)

Oracle Federal Financials, Hyperion, and Prism Training Catalog (PDF)