Achieving Job Satisfaction

Course Length: ½ or 1 day

Are you getting as much satisfaction out of your job as you should? This course will help you determine your level of satisfaction and then it will assist you in making positive changes to increase both your satisfaction level and quality of work.

Part 1: Accepting the Challenge
Part 2: The Psychology of Job Satisfaction
Part 3: More than Just a Job
Part 4: Attitude Traps
Part 5: Exercises to Close the Gap


Achieving Life Balance

Course Length: ½ or 1 day 

Achieving life balance has become one of the hottest topics for self-improvement in today’s hectic, fast-paced world. With constant demands pulling us in every direction, more and more of us are recognizing the need to reevaluate, reorganize, and reprioritize to live the life we want. Perhaps you are currently in this position. If so, ACHIEVING LIFE BALANCE is for you. The tips in this course will show you how to take charge, set goals, and rewrite your life script in order to change the patterns that may be keeping you from living a better life. Each lesson will help you reassess each area of your life and find ways to achieve better balance by looking at how you manage yourself, your time, and your relationships.

Part 1: What Is Balance for You?
Part 2: Setting Goals and Action Plans
Part 3: Managing Your Self
Part 4: Managing Your Time
Part 5: Managing Your Relationships


Anger Management

Course Length: ½, 1, or 2 days

Benjamin Franklin once said, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” We would add a third item to his list: anger. Anger can be an incredibly damaging force, costing people their jobs, personal relationships, and even their lives when it gets out of hand. However, since everyone experiences anger, it is important to have constructive approaches to manage it effectively. This workshop will help teach participants how to identify their anger triggers and what to do when they get angry.

Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Understanding Anger
Module Three: Do’s and Don’ts
Module Four: Gaining Control
Module Five: Separate the People from the Problem
Module Six: Working on the Problem
Module Seven: Solving the Problem
Module Eight: A Personal Plan
Module Nine: The Triple A Approach
Module Ten: Dealing with Angry People
Module Eleven: Pulling It All Together
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

Attention Management

Course Length: ½, 1, or 2 days

A distracted workforce is less than effective. Employees who do not pay attention to their work can waste valuable time and make careless mistakes. Attention management is a useful skill that allows managers to connect with their employees on an emotional level and motivate them to focus on their work and how to reach their personal and company goals.

Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Introduction to Attention Management
Module Three: Types of Attention
Module Four: Strategies for Goal Setting
Module Five: Meditation
Module Six: Training Your Attention
Module Seven: Attention Zones Model
Module Eight: SMART Goals
Module Nine: Keeping Yourself Focused
Module Ten: Procrastination
Module Eleven: Prioritizing Your Time
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up



Course Length: ½ or 1 day

Polish people skills, energize your outlook, and retain a healthy perspective. This course will help you stay positive and focused in today’s busy, pressure-filled world. Recognize how attitude affects your work. Use the eight attitude-adjustment techniques. Spread the magic of a positive attitude.

Part 1: Understanding Your Attitude
Part 2: Eight Ways to Adjust Your Attitude
Part 3: Attitude and Your Job
Part 4: Protecting Your Most Priceless Possession



Clear and Creative Thinking

Course Length: ½ or 1 day

Develop the kind of breakthrough thinking that generates new ideas, creative solutions, and sustained success. This course will show you how to break out of a rut, overcome obstacles to problem solving, and find your way to great ideas.

Part 1: Opening Your Mind to Clear Thinking
Part 2: Generating Alternative Ideas
Part 3: Evaluating Alternatives on Their Merits
Part 4: Putting Plans into Action


Developing as a Professional

Course Length: ½ or 1 day

Developing as a Professional is a how-to training to presenting yourself well in business and social situations. You will learn what qualities define a professional and what you can do to gain recognition as a true professional in your workplace. The tips in this course are easy to turn to for on-the-job advice on everything from developing good work habits to minding your cubicle manners, as well as networking and scheduling your time effectively. Finally you will find new ways to cope with workplace challenges such as defusing conflict and managing pressure and stress.

Part 1: Become a Professional
Part 2: Mind Your Manners
Part 3: Act like a Professional
Part 4: Improve Your Skills
Part 5: Cope with Challenges


Goal Setting and Getting Things Done

Course Length: ½, 1, or 2 days

Goal Setting is one of the most basic and essential skills someone can develop. What makes a good goal? We touch on goal characteristics, time management, making a to do list, and what to do when setbacks occur. This workshop will provide the knowledge and skills for your participants to complete more tasks and get things done.

Our Goal Setting and Getting Things Done workshop will cover strategies to help your participants overcome procrastination. These skills will translate into increased satisfaction in their professional and personal lives. Your participants will learn the Goal Setting characteristics of successful people and in turn will become happier and more productive individuals.

Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Overcoming Procrastination (I)
Module Three Overcoming Procrastination (II)
Module Four: Four P’s of Goals Setting
Module Five: Improving Motivation
Module Six: Wise Time Management
Module Seven: Tips for Completing Tasks
Module Eight: Increase Your Productivity
Module Nine: To Do List Characteristics
Module Ten: SMART Goals
Module Eleven: Mistakes Will Happen
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up



Improving Mindfulness

Course Length: ½, 1, or 2 days

Improving mindfulness is about understanding yourself and being “in the moment”. Your participants will become more mindful of their actions and learn how to express and interpret their present environment. They will create positive connections and increase their self-regulation of attention and personal experiences.

Improving Mindfulness will provide benefits throughout their professional and personal lives. Improving mindfulness through gratitude, filtering, and active listening will give your participants the advantage seeing things in a new light. This workshop has the ability to give your participants an increased recognition of mental events in the present moment which provides countless benefits.

Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: What is Mindfulness?
Module Three: Practicing Mindfulness
Module Four: Emotional IQ
Module Five: Cognitive Distortion I
Module Six: Cognitive Distortion II
Module Seven: Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy
Module Eight: Mindfulness and Gratitude
Module Nine: Cultivating High Performance Emotions
Module Ten: Mindfulness and Customer Service
Module Eleven: Mindfulness and Leadership
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up


Improving Self-Awareness

Course Length: ½, 1, or 2 days

Self-awareness is developing an understanding your emotions and feelings. It is an awareness of the physical, emotional, and psychological self. Your participants will identify ways of recognizing all of these and improving each through various cognitive and learning styles.

Improving Self-Awareness will improve self-control, reduce procrastination, and develop mood management. Your participants will improve their relationships and create a more fulfilling life. These improvements will in turn translate into a wholly improved workforce. Stress will decline and productivity will increase as internal turmoil will decline all through improving self-awareness.

Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: What is the Self?
Module Three: Awareness of the Physical Self
Module Four: Time Management
Module Five: The Emotional Self
Module Six: Mood Management
Module Seven: The Psychological Self
Module Eight: Interpersonal Awareness
Module Nine: The Spiritual Self
Module Ten: Limitations of Self-Awareness
Module Eleven: Independence Versus Interdependence
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up


Increasing Your Happiness

Course Length: ½, 1, or 2 days

Increasing ones happiness can be done through the power of positive thinking. That is one skill that this work shop will touch on to teach your participants how to be happier. Happiness will spread throughout your organization, and have a positive effect on everyone.

With our Increasing Your Happiness workshop your participants will engage in unique and helpful ways to increase their happiness. This will have a robust effect on their professional and personal lives. It will improve their communication skills, increase productivity, and lesson absenteeism.

Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Plan Ahead For Happiness
Module Three: Plan Your Day
Module Four: Relate To Others
Module Five: Go To Your Happy (Work)Space
Module Six: Accentuate The Positive
Module Seven: Use Your Benefits
Module Eight: Take Control Of Your Career Happiness
Module Nine: Set Boundaries
Module Ten: Practice Positivity
Module Eleven: Choose To Be Happy
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up


Job Search Skills

Course Length: ½, 1, or 2 days

Searching for a job can be intimidating. How do you know what job you’re best suited for? How do you build a winning résumé and cover letter? Where can you find job leads? How do you network without feeling nervous? What happens when you land an interview? And most importantly, where do you find help when you need it?

This course will give you the answers to all these questions, plus a plan to get you to a new job within a month. After completing this program, you’ll be more than ready to start your search for your perfect job.

Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Ready, Set, Go!
Module Three: Building Your Resume
Module Four: Polishing Your Resume
Module Five: Writing a Cover Letter
Module Six: Creating a Portfolio
Module Seven: Networking Skills
Module Eight: Skills for Success
Module Nine: Where to Look?
Module Ten: Understanding the Interview
Module Eleven: Interview Skills
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up


Life Coaching Essentials

Course Length: ½, 1, or 2 days

Many people often mistake a life coach for a mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist or a therapist. This misconception often leads people to believe they do not need a life coach since they feel as though nothing is wrong with their mental health. However, a life coach is designed to help improve a person’s professional and personal life by working with them to achieve their goals.

With our Life Coaching Essentials workshop, your participants will discover the meaning of life coaching and how life coaching services can be utilized to achieve their goals.

Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Why You Need A Life Coach?
Module Three: The Benefits of Life Coaching
Module Four: Life Coaching Challenges
Module Five: Basic Structure of a Coaching Session
Module Six: Essential Skills for Successful Coaching
Module Seven: Life Coaching Tools and Techniques
Module Eight: Life Coaching Specialized Areas (I)
Module Nine: Life Coaching Specialized Areas (II)
Module Ten: Life Coaching Specialized Areas (III)
Module Eleven: Apply What You Learned to the Workplace
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up


Managing Personal Change

Course Length: 1 or 2 days

It has been said that change is the only constant, and all of us will experience changes, both large and small, in our lives. In today’s fast-moving world, we are confronted with changes daily whether we are “ready or not,” leaving many of us feeling overwhelmed, confused, or uncertain about the future. MANAGING PERSONAL CHANGE will help you understand your reactions to change while suggesting ways you can respond more positively and productively through transition periods.

Part 1: The Need for Mastering Personal Change
Part 2: Foundations for Building Change Mastery
Part 3: Making a Commitment to what’s Ahead
Part 4: Seeking Challenge
Part 5: Taking Control
Part 6: Creating Connection


Managing Personal Finances

Course Length: ½, 1, or 2 days

For many people, finances are an unsolvable Rubik’s cube filled with anxiety. We don’t teach children when they are young the value of a good credit score. Many people have a hard time formatting and sticking to a budget. You can easily solve the finance puzzle with a little hard work, self-control, and the right tools. Today is a new day; you are taking the first steps to reclaiming your financial freedom.

Most people know that a map can tell them how to get from point A to point B. A well-developed budget is just like a map as it helps you reach your financial goals. You start at point A, and the budget helps you go the distance get to point B. And with our Managing Personal Finances workshop your participants will learn how to budget, and create a plan for their future.

Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Module Two: The Benefits of Budgeting
Module Three: What to Consider Before Creating a Budget
Module Four: Types of Fixed Personal Expenses
Module Five: Types of Fluctuating Personal Expenses
Module Six: Establish Your Goals
Module Seven: Determine Where Cuts Can Be Made
Module Eight: Tools
Module Nine: Stick With Your Budget
Module Ten: Additional Ways to Make Money
Module Eleven: Paying Off Debt
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up


Managing Workplace Anxiety

Course Length: ½, 1, or 2 days

The workplace is one of the leading locations where people experience stress and anxiety. Every employee will encounter it sometime during their career. Everyone should be aware of the signs of anxiety and the tools needed to cope and deal with it.

Our Managing Workplace Anxiety workshop will provide your participants the important skills and resources to recognize and manage workplace anxiety. By identifying these symptoms and coping skills employees and managers will be better suited in dealing with these common situations. Through this workshop your participants will be better suited to the challenges that the workplace can bring.

Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Common Types of Anxiety
Module Three: Recognizing Symptoms in Others
Module Four: Coping Strategies (I)
Module Five: Coping Strategies (II)
Module Six: Don’t Avoid the Situation
Module Seven: Differences in Anxiety and Normal Nervousness
Module Eight: Physical Symptoms
Module Nine: Recognize the Positive Aspects of Anxiety
Module Ten: Common Anxiety Triggers
Module Eleven: When to Seek Extra Help?
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

Networking for Success

Course Length: ½ or 1 day

This course will help you build the tools to initiate a networking plan with specific goals, establish relationships that are meaningful and long-term, use electronic media to expand your network, and develop ways to promote yourself through your networking. Knowing how to network is an important skill for everyone to have. To get a new job, secure a promotion, publicize your favorite cause, or build a business, you have to create a networking strategy. Everyone has a personal networking style, and this course will help you understand your style, and design an approach that will work for you.

Part 1: Understanding Successful Networking
Part 2: Building Networking Relationships
Part 3: Refining Your Professional Presence
Part 4: Bell-Ringing Telephone Techniques
Part 5: Networking via E-Mail and the Internet
Part 6: The Networking Power of Self-Promotion
Part 7: Special Networking Challenges: Novices and Veterans


Personal Branding

Course Length: ½ or 1 day

Personal Branding is identifying your assets, characterizes, strengths, and skills as an individual. Understanding Personal Branding will provide advantages in your participant’s personal and professional lives. Branding is a mix of how you present yourself and how others see you, so be aware of how you are viewed.

With our Personal Branding course your participants will be able to share their vision and passions with others in your company. Utilize this knowledge to define and influence how others see you. You are your brand so protect it. Live it.

Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Defining Yourself (I)
Module Three: Defining Yourself (II)
Module Four: Controlling and Developing Your Image
Module Five: Personal and Professional Influences
Module Six: Sharpening Your Brand
Module Seven: Appearance Matters
Module Eight: Social Media (I)
Module Nine: Social Media (II)
Module Ten: Brand Management During a Crisis
Module Eleven: Branding Personality Traits
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up


Personal Productivity

Course Length: ½, 1, or 2 days

Most people find that they wish they had more time in a day. This workshop will show participants how to organize their lives and find those hidden moments. Participants will learn how to establish routines, set goals, create an efficient environment, and use time-honored planning and organizational tools to maximize their personal productivity.

Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Setting SMART Goals
Module Three: The Power of Routines
Module Four: Scheduling Yourself
Module Five: Keeping Yourself on Top of Tasks
Module Six: Tackling New Tasks and Projects
Module Seven: Using Project Management Techniques
Module Eight: Creating a Workspace
Module Nine: Organizing Files and Folders
Module Ten: Managing E-Mail
Module Eleven: Tackling Procrastination
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up



Public Speaking

Course Length: ½, 1, or 2 days

According to a 1973 survey by the Sunday Times of London, 41% of people list public speaking as their biggest fear. Forget small spaces, darkness, and spiders – standing up in front of a crowd and talking is far more terrifying for most people.

However, mastering this fear and getting comfortable speaking in public can be a great ego booster, not to mention a huge benefit to your career. This workshop will give you some valuable public speaking skills, including in-depth information on developing an engaging program and delivering your presentation with power.

Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Identifying Your Audience
Module Three: Creating a Basic Outline
Module Four: Organizing the Program
Module Five: Fleshing It Out
Module Six: Putting It All Together
Module Seven: Being Prepared
Module Eight: Overcoming Nervousness
Module Nine: Delivering Your Speech (I)
Module Ten: Delivering Your Speech (II)
Module Eleven: Questions and Answers
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up



Social Intelligence

Course Length: ½, 1, or 2 days

Social Intelligence is about understanding your environment and having a positive influence. Your participants will become more confident in their social situations by learning how to express and interrupt social cues. They will create better personal connections and increase their influence during social situations.

Increasing Social Intelligence will provide benefits throughout their professional and personal lives. It is a fantastic tool for coaching and development as people will learn “people skills”. Improving social skills through active listening, understanding body language, and being more empathic will give your participants the advantage in their interactions. Social interactions are a two way street, know the rules of the road!

Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Increase Your Self-Awareness
Module Three: The Keys to Empathy
Module Four: Active Listening
Module Five: Insight on Behavior
Module Six: Interpersonal Communication
Module Seven: Social Cues (I)
Module Eight: Social Cues (II)
Module Nine: Conversation Skills
Module Ten: Body Language
Module Eleven: Building Rapport
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up


Social Learning

Course Length: ½, 1, or 2 days

Social Learning is an effective way to train your employees through modeling positive behaviors. It is a great way to promote cohesion and involvement as it builds a culture of learning. Your participants will learn the best way to conduct role plays, share best practices, and provide constant and immediate feedback.

With our Social Learning course your participants will be creating learning communities that benefit every aspect of your organization. They will learn new behaviors through observation and modeling and be instilled with a passion for learning.

Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Setting the Right Group Dynamic (I)
Module Three: Setting the Right Group Dynamic (II)
Module Four: Develop a Social Learning Culture a Work (I)
Module Five: Develop a Social Learning Culture a Work (II)
Module Six: Develop a Social Learning Culture a Work (III)
Module Seven: Role Playing (I)
Module Eight: Role Playing (II)
Module Nine: Utilizing the Right Tools (I)
Module Ten: Utilizing the Right Tools (II)
Module Eleven: Modeling and Observational Learning
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up


Stress Management

Course Length: ½, 1, or 2 days

Positive and negative stress is a constant influence on all of our lives. The trick is to maximize the positive stress and to minimize the negative stress. This workshop will give participants a three-option method for addressing any stressful situation, as well as a toolbox of personal skills, including using routines, relaxation techniques, and a stress log system.

Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Understanding Stress
Module Three: Creating a Stress-Reducing Lifestyle
Module Four: Altering the Situation
Module Five: Avoiding the Situation
Module Six: Accepting the Situation
Module Seven: Using Routines to Reduce Stress
Module Eight: Environmental Relaxation Techniques
Module Nine: Physical Relaxation Techniques
Module Ten: Coping with Major Events
Module Eleven: Our Challenge to You
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up



Study Skills Strategies

Course Length: ½ or 1 day

STUDY SKILLS STRATEGIES helps you develop a study program based on your skills, needs, and individual learning situation. Whether you are a full-time or part-time student, in a classroom or on your own, you will find helpful suggestions and techniques in this course to assist you in your focus and concentration, your note-taking, reading, and review. This course also includes a special emphasis on using the latest technology to enhance your studies, as well as tips for getting the most out of online learning.

Part 1: Getting Started
Part 2: Taking Control of Your Time
Part 3: Note-Taking Techniques
Part 4: Critical Reading Skills
Part 5: Memory Training
Part 6: Exam Strategies
Part 7: Studying Mathematics and Related Subjects
Part 8: Putting It All Together



Surviving Information Overload

Course Length: ½ or 1 day

Newspapers, books, magazines, and the Internet tell us what we want to know when we want to know it. Reports, memos, e-mails, and voice mail help us transmit and receive information quickly and easily. With so much information coming at us constantly, it’s no wonder many of us are living with information anxiety. Odette Pollar, productivity specialist and creator of “Organizing Your Work Space”, empowers students to dig out of the avalanche of information they are bombarded with daily and to take back control of their time in her new course, Surviving Information Overload.

Part 1: Information Anxiety
Part 2: Multi-Tasking
Part 3: Filtering Information
Part 4: Managing Messaging Systems
Part 5: Processing Paper
Part 6: Taming Technology
Part 7: Coping at Home


Work-Life Balance

Course Length: ½, 1, or 2 days

Having a balance between work and home life can be a challenge. With this challenge come great rewards when it is done successfully. By balancing a career with home life it will provide benefits in each environment. You will become healthier, mentally and physically, and you will be able to produce more career wise.

With a Work-Life Balance you will be managing your time better. Better time management will benefit all aspects of life; you will be working less and producing more. This workshop will show how to focus on the important things, set accurate and achievable goals, and communicate better with your peers at work and your family at home.

Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Benefits of a Healthy Balance
Module Three: Signs of an Imbalance
Module Four: Employer Resources
Module Five: Tips in Time Management
Module Six: Goal Setting
Module Seven: Optional Ways to Work
Module Eight: At Work
Module Nine: At Home
Module Ten: Stress Management
Module Eleven: Working in a Home Office
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up